<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Elliott batTzedek holds an MFA in Poetry and Poetry in Translation from Drew University, for which she translated <em><span class="title">Dance of the Lunatic</span> </em>by the Israeli Jewish lesbian writer Shez; this manuscript won the 2012 Robert Bly Translation prize, judged by Martha Collins. She works as a program director in a small non-profit and as co-leader of <em><span class="organization">Fringes</span></em>, a poetry-based havurah. Her work appears or is forthcoming in the journals <i>DoubleSpeak</i>, <em>Armchair/Shotgun</em>, <i>Massachusetts Review</i>, <i>Adanna Literary Journal</i>, <i>Poemeleon</i>, <i>Trivia</i>, <i>Naugatuck River Review</i>, <i>Lambda Literary Online</i>, and <i>Sinister Wisdom</i>, and in the anthologies <em><span class="anthology">Two Lines Translation Anthology</span></em> and <em><span class="anthology">Contemporary Love Poems</span></em>, and as a <span class="organization"><em>Split This Rock</em> </span>poem of the week. She is a 2012 Leeway Foundation Art and Social Change grantee and in 2013 will be a resident at Vermont Studio Art Center.</p></div>