Suzanne Verrall

Suzanne Verrall

Suzanne Verrall lives in Adelaide, Australia. Her flash fiction, essays and poetry appear in Atlas and Alice, Meow Meow Pow Pow, Archer Magazine, Lip Magazine, Poetry NZ Yearbook, Australian Poetry Journal, and others.
Soramimi Hanarejima

Soramimi Hanarejima

Soramimi Hanarejima is a writer of innovative fiction and the author of Visits to the Confabulatorium—a fanciful story collection that Matthew Salesses (The Hundred-Year Flood) called an “impressive effort.” Soramimi’s work has appeared in various literary magazines,...
Sheryl Bize-Boutte

Sheryl Bize-Boutte

Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte is a homegrown Bay Area local who knows how to write as well as tell a story. Her works artfully succeed in getting across deeper meanings about life and love and the politics of race and economics without breaking out of the narrative. Not...
Paul Lewellan

Paul Lewellan

Paul Lewellan lives on the banks of the Mississippi in Davenport, Iowa. He teaches Communications Studies at Augustana College across the river in Rock Island, Illinois. His wife, Pamela Druger, is a certified fraud examiner and his best critic. They share their home...
Lydia McDermott

Lydia McDermott

Lydia McDermott is the Director of the Center for Writing and Speaking (COWS) at Whitman College in beautiful Walla Walla, Washington. She writes critically and creatively. Her work has appeared in The Iowa Review, Rattle, and Rhetoric Review among others.