<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">A.J. Huffman has published 13 full-length poetry collections, 13 solo poetry chapbooks and one joint poetry chapbook. Her most recent releases, <i>The Pyre On Which Tomorrow Burns</i> (Scars Publications), <i>Degeneration</i> (Pink Girl Ink), <i>A Bizarre Burning of Bees</i> (Transcendent Zero Press), and <i>Familiar Illusions</i> (Flutter Press) are now available from their respective publishers. She is a five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, a two-time Best of Net nominee, and has published over 2600 poems in various national and international journals, including <i>Labletter</i>, <i>The James Dickey Review</i>, <i>The Bookends Review</i>, <i>Bone Orchard</i>, <i>Corvus Review</i>, <i>EgoPHobia</i>, and <i>Kritya</i>. She is also the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press: <a href="http://www.kindofahurricanepress.com/" target="_blank">www.kindofahurricanepress.com</a>.</p></div>