<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">A poet and artist, Laurie Price has been writing and creating visual work for a few decades. She was a 1992 recipient of a Gerbode Foundation Poetry grant and is the author of a new collection of poetry,<em> Radio at Night</em>, forthcoming from Lunar Chandelier Press; one full-length poetry collection, <em>Except for Memory</em> (Pantograph Press, Berkeley, CA), and four chapbooks: <em>Going On Like This</em> (Northern Lights Int’l Poetry/Brooklyn Series, Brooklyn, NY), <em>Under the Sign of the House</em> (Detour Press, Brooklyn, NY/e-book, readme), <em>The Assets</em> (Situations Press, NY) and <em>Minim</em> (e-book, Faux Press, MA/Tokyo). Her work has appeared in <em>HOW2</em>, <em>No Tell Motel</em>, <em>Arshile</em>,<em> Peep Show Poetry</em> and other print and online publications. Ongoing visual work/photos can be seen here: <a href="http://graciouseconomiesandcorrugatedshadows.blogspot.com">graciouseconomiesandcorrugatedshadows.blogspot.com</a> and has been exhibited in SF, CA, Mexico and Spain. New writing is forthcoming in <em>Eoagh</em>.</p></div>