<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Frederick Turner, Founders Professor of Arts and Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas, was educated at Oxford University. A poet, critic, translator and former editor of <em>The Kenyon Review</em>, he has authored over 30 books, including <em>The New World</em> (Princeton University Press, 1985; 2nd ed. Ilium Press, 2011);, <em>The Culture of Hope</em> (The Free Press, 1995), <em>Genesis: an Epic Poem</em> (Saybrook and Norton, 1988; 2nd ed. Ilium Press, 2011);, <em>Hadean Eclogues</em> (Story Line Press, 1999), <em>Shakespeare’s Twenty-First Century Economics</em> (Oxford University Press, 1999), <em>Paradise: Selected Poems</em> 1990-2003 (David Robert Books, 2004), <em>Two Ghost Poems</em> (Turning Point Press 2011); and <em>Epic: Form, Content, History</em> (Transaction Publishers, 2012). With his colleague Zsuzsanna Ozsváth, he won Hungary’s highest literary honor for their translations of Miklós Radnóti’s poetry; he has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature over 80 times.</p></div>