<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Related to the Marx Brothers through his mother, Richard Marx Weinraub was born in New York City in 1949; he was a Professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico from 1987 through 2010. A book of his poetry entitled <em>Wonder Bread Hill</em> was published in 2002 by the University of Puerto Rico Press. Poets Wear Prada published his chapbook <em>Heavenly Bodies </em>in 2008, and a poem from it was nominated for a 2009 Pushcart Prize. His full-length collection <em>Lapidary</em> is forthcoming. His poetry has appeared in many journals including <em>The Paris Review</em>, <em>Asheville Poetry Review</em>, <em>South Carolina Review</em>, <em>The Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review</em>, <em>Green Mountains Review</em>,<em> North American Review</em>, <em>Slate</em> and <em>River Styx</em>.</p></div>