<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Jemshed Khan grew up in the UK before making the USA home. Active in local poetry circles, he has published poems in <i>Unlikely Stories</i> (<i>BlackArtMatters</i>, September, 2016), <i>Read Local</i> (2016), <i>Rigorous Magazine</i> (Jan 2017) and the chapbook <i>Paean for Billy Collins</i> (Calliope Club Press, 2017). The authors annotated poem “The Leech ” appeared in <i>Vital Signs: The UCLA Collection of Physicians’ Poetry</i>. He is still finding his way as a poet and enjoys trying on a range of styles and subjects — most recently realizing that (A) poetry mostly changes the poet and (B) every good poem deserves a turn. The author is slated for publication in <i>Clockwise Cat</i>, Issue 36 (2017) and <i>I-70 Review</i> (September 2017).</p>