<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Stephanie Roberts was a top ten finalist, in the Causeway Lit 2016 Poetry Competition. She is currently a finalist in competitions for Finishing Line Press, and Medusa's Laugh Press. In 2016, her work was featured in <i>The New Quarterly</i>, <i>Breakwater Review</i>, <i>Blue Lyra Review</i> and <i>CV2</i>. Her poems appear or soon will appear in <i>Shooter Literary Magazine</i> in the UK, <i>Room Magazine</i>, <i>The Inflectionists Review</i> and <i>Waxing & Waning</i>. She grew up in Brooklyn NY and counts her strengths as passionate curiosity and good humor. You can contact her at <a href="www.oceansandfire.com">www.oceansandfire.com</a>.</p></div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->