<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Once a rootless wanderer, Peter D. Goodwin now resides in Maryland, close to the Chesapeake Bay, writes poetry while unwillingly providing succulent treats for deer, rodents, birds and insects.<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><br><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><br><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->His poems are published in his chapbook <i>No Sense Of History</i>; <i>the anthologies September eleven</i>; <i>Maryland Voices</i>; <i>Listening to The Water: The Susquehanna Water Anthology</i>; <i>Alternatives To Surrender</i>; and various journals including <i>Rattle</i>, <i>Poeming Pigeon</i>, <i>MainStreet Rag</i>, <i>Dreamstreets</i>, <i>Delaware Poetry Review</i>, <i>Yellow Medicine Review</i>, <i>Memoir(and)</i>, <i>Lock Raven Review</i>, <i>Greensilk Journal</i>.</p></div>