<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">Jonathan Greenhause is a 4-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize, was the winner of the 2015 Editor’s Choice Poetry Award from Kind of a Hurricane Press, the 2nd-prize winner in the 2016 <i>Gemini Magazine</i> Poetry Open, a finalist for this year’s <i>Green Mountains Review</i> Book Prize, a finalist for <i>Soundings East</i>’s 2016 Claire Keyes Award in Poetry, and a finalist for the 2016 <i>Iowa Review</i> Poetry Award. His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in <i>Artful Dodge</i>, <i>FOLIO</i>, <i>Miramar</i>, <i>Oberon Poetry Magazine</i>, and <i>RHINO</i>, among others.</p></div>