<div id="bodytxt"><p class="text">JJ Steinfeld is a Canadian fiction writer, poet, and playwright who lives on Prince Edward Island, where he is patiently waiting for Godot’s arrival and a phone call from Kafka. While waiting, he has published seventeen books, including <i>Should the Word Hell Be Capitalized?</i> (Stories, Gaspereau Press), <i>Would You Hide Me?</i> (Stories, Gaspereau Press), <i>Misshapenness</i> (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions), <i>Identity Dreams and Memory Sounds</i> (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions), <i>Madhouses in Heaven</i>, <i>Castles in Hell</i> (Stories, Ekstasis Editions), and <i>An Unauthorized Biography of Being</i> (110 Short Fictions Hovering Between the Absurd and the Existential, Ekstasis Editions). His short stories and poems have appeared in numerous periodicals and anthologies internationally, and over fifty of his one-act plays have been performed in Canada and the United States. <a href="http://www.ekstasiseditions.com/index.html">ekstasiseditions.com/index.html</a></p></div>