We are currently holding a sale on the Microtext 1, 2 and 3 bundle. The series is on sale for $35.00 and is available for purchase here.

Microtext 1, 2 and 3 are books that fit in the palm of your hand. Each anthology contains flash fiction and short poetry.

Check out the highlights from each Microtext below.

Microtext 1

Microtext 1 reveals the malevolent reason why a woman buys pawned wedding rings, explores the violent ending of a childhood friendship, and takes you on a train to purgatory.

Microtext 2

Inside Microtext 2 you’ll read about a newspaper-perusing time-traveler, Bigfoot’s flower pot collection, as well as the bond between a high-school student and his dying teacher.


Microtext 3


In Microtext 3 you can feel the sensation of stepping into an unknown substance, discover the sinister motives of a toilet-dwelling robot, and play cards with a penguin.