Lisa Riddiough

Lisa Riddiough

Lisa Riddiough is a Bay Area based writer whose projects include essays, picture books and fiction. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley Extension’s Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing and is currently an MFA candidate in Writing for Children and Young...
Derek Owens

Derek Owens

Derek Owens directs the Institute for Writing Studies at St. John’s University, New York. Information on his writing, artwork, and teaching can be found at...
Janet McCann

Janet McCann

Journals publishing Janet McCann’s work include Kansas Quarterly, PARNASSUS, Nimrod, SOU'WESTER, America, Christian Century, Christianity and Literature, NEW YORK QUARTERLY, Tendril, and others. A 1989 NEA Creative Writing Fellowship winner, she taught at Texas A&M...
T.m. Lawson

T.m. Lawson

T.m. Lawson is a writer and poet living in Los Angeles, CA. She has been published in Los Angeles Review, Entropy Magazine,, and has forthcoming publication in the Nomadic Journal, White Stag, and NILVX. She is a 2015 Academy of American Poets prize winner...
Tricia Knoll

Tricia Knoll

Tricia Knoll is an Oregon poet. Her work appears internationally and regionally in journals and anthologies. Her collections include Ocean's Laughter (Aldrich Press, 2016) and a chapbook Urban Wild (Finishing Line Press, 2014). Her website is...